Monday, November 12, 2012

Special Burgers in McDonald's Japan

At McDonald's Japan, these Special Burgers Sure Are...Creamy
These are the "Gracoro Burgers" in McDonald's Japan.

At McDonald's Japan, these Special Burgers Sure Are...Creamy
This cross section of the burger is labelled in Japanese. 

While visiting to another country, such as Japan, you might encounter things that are different. Take the Gracoro Burger for instance. Instead of a meat patty, it has "a creamy gratin korokke filled with white sauce, shrimp, and macaroni." The buns, the breadcrumbs, the white sauce, and the macaroni all have flour in it. However, these burgers aren't exactly new. Just like the McRib sandwich in the United States, the Gracoro Burger comes around only during the winter seasons. I'm willing to try it out if given the chance. I wonder how big the size of the burger would be. I remember that Japan has smaller sizes of burgers, fries, and drinks when compared to the United States'. Anyway, the picture does look appetizing no matter what the size.

- Hanli Tjahyono


  1. That is the craziest type of burger that I have ever heard of, I wonder how it taste. I wonder if the taste is similar to the American type of burgers and what would your average American think of the taste.

  2. Yo, thats a wierd looking burger, and I've eaten a lot of wierd things in my day. It dont look like it tastes anything like an American burger. o well when in Rome right. Wel in this case Japan right.
